Module contrib.semseg

You can reproduce our semantic segmentation control experiments from our preprint by following these instructions.

As an overview:

  1. Record ViT activations for ADE20K.
  2. Train a linear probe on semantic segmentation task using ADE20K.
  3. Establish baseline metrics for the linear probe.
  4. Automatically identify feature vectors in the SAE's W_dec matrix for each class in ADE20K.
  5. Suppress those features in the vision transformer's activations before applying the linear probe.
  6. Record class-specific metrics before and after suppression.

Details can be found below.

Record ViT Activations for Linear Probe Training and SAE Inference

Train a Linear Probe on Semantic Segmentation

Now train a linear probe on the activations.

uv run python -m contrib.semseg train \
  --train-acts.shard-root $TRAIN_SHARDS \
  --train-acts.layer -1 \
  --val-acts.shard-root $VAL_SHARDS \
  --val-acts.layer -1 \
  --imgs.root /nfs/$USER/datasets/ade20k/ \
  --sweep contrib/semseg/sweep.toml

Establish Linear Probe Baseline Metrics

uv run python -m contrib.semseg validate \
  --imgs.root /nfs/$USER/datasets/ade20k/ \
  --acts.shard-root $VAL_SHARDS \
  --acts.layer -1

Then you can look in ./logs/contrib/semseg for hparam-sweeps.png to see what learning rate/weight decay combination is best.


Manipulate representations by increasing or decreasing the presence of a feature in a ViT activation, then use the linear probe for inference …

Make some predictions for a bunch of checkpoints. See which checkpoints have the best validation loss, mean IoU, class-specific IoU, validation …


Propose features for manual verification.