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I Suck at Naming Python Modules

I often end up with name conflicts in Python, where a variable and a module have the same name within a function. I’ll explain how it happens naturally, then the various solutions and their pros and cons.

Name Conflicts

Suppose I have a Python class called Spot that represents a point in some image recognition software I’m writing:

class Spot:
    def __init__(self, name, pos): = name
        self.pos = pos

Then I write a couple utility functions, not attached as methods:

def find_spot_clusters(spots, tolerance):
    Returns a list of spot lists, where each list is a 
    'cluster' of spots within *tolerance* of each other.

I put all this related code into a module (AKA a file). As per PEP 8’s advice on naming modules:

Modules should have short, all-lowercase names. Underscores can be used in the module name if it improves readability. Python packages should also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of underscores is discouraged.

Sounds good to me. This module is all about spots, I’ll call it All is well.

Later on, in some processing code, I’m filtering out spots:


from . import spot

def filter_spots(spots):
    valid_spots = []
    for spot in spots:
        match = re.match(r'hello',
        if match:

    clusters = spot.find_spot_clusters(valid_spots)


Did you see the bug?

Side note: I almost never read code in blog posts, I never have the energy.

We clobber the imported spot module with the variable spot in for spot in spots. For the rest of this function, we can no longer refer to the spot module.

Potential Solutions

Let’s go through the three ways I fix this, and why none of them satisfy me.

Don’t Import the Entire Module

I could just import specific features from the module, rather than the entire spot module:

from .spot import Spot, find_spot_clusters

No more conflicts with spot! I don’t like this solution for several reasons.

First, keeping the module name helps me keep my code organized when a project gets bigger and bigger. When I see functions and classes without a module-prefix, I know they are local to the current module I’m reading.

Second, if I know that the module name is always used with a function, I can make shorter function names. Rather than find_spot_clusters, if I know that is only about spots, I can name it find_clusters. Then inside, it’s clear that find_clusters is about spots, because the entire file is spot-related. If I use the function outside, it’s prefixed with spot., and I know it’s spot-related.

Better Variable Names

Rather than for spot in spots, we could write for maybe_valid_spot in spots to clarify that our spot is not necessarily a valid spot at this point in the function. This is clearly clunky; for <thing> in <things> is a very typical Python pattern.

I could also append an underscore: for spot_ in spots. This also feels clunky; it’s expected for Python built-ins, like exec or list, but even some of the built-ins have common abbreviations like “lst” or “dct”. I don’t want to append underscores if I don’t have to.

I could also shorten my variable name: for sp in spot. Sometimes though I want to rename a module, then I have to look for every variable with the same name as the module and determine if I have to change the variable name to avoid conflicts with the module. Which brings us to how to choose better module names.

Different Module Names

Finally, I could find better names for my modules. Some of the naming strategies I’ve used in the past:


I suck at naming Python modules. If you’ve suffered from this same problem and have found a good long-term solution that doesn’t require a lot of thinking, please let me know!

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Sam Stevens, 2024